Bell is “Focused on Safety.” Safety is a core value of our company. We employ every means possible to ensure the health and welfare of our employees, and anyone on our project sites. Through continuous evaluation and improvement, our safety practices make our project sites the safest in the industry.
At Bell, safety is a team approach. By ensuring our workers’ safety, we improve productivity, reduce labor rates and prevent schedule interruptions, delivering quality to our customers.
Bell invests in proper staffing and training on all of our projects to achieve our goal of “zero lost time incidents.” Our safety program includes:
Company Safety Manager and On-Site Safety Representatives
A comprehensive written Safety Program that includes Company Safety Policy and Procedures and a Project Specific Safety Plan
All Executives, Project Managers, Project Superintendents, Foremen, Project Engineers have completed the OSHA 30 hour Construction Safety Outreach Program
All craft are required to have as a minimum the OSHA 10 hour Construction Safety Outreach Program
Each jobsite has a Safety Committee made up of management, supervision, and craft to review incidents, safety concerns, upcoming safety-sensitive tasks and training
Development of The Bell Company Mandatory Specialized Safety Training Orientation geared toward Bell work activities
Company-wide standardization of fall protection equipment
Job Hazard Analysis development and implementation
Injury Management Policies (handling of accidents/injuries)